Important Information
Wheel Collisions
Physics wheels can use any size or shape collision, but for best results (especially for high speed vehicles) you will want to use a simple sphere collision. Cylinder collisions are currently not possible in Chaos, and a convex Cylinder will cause wheels to bounce at high speeds.
This does not apply to Raycast wheels, which can use any collision.
Blueprint events
In order to ensure proper functionality, you must call the "parent" function for the following blueprint events. You can do so by right clicking the event, and selecting "Add Call to Parent Function".
Construction Script
Event BeginPlay
Event Destroyed
Event OnPossessed
Event Unpossessed
Collision Settings for Skeletal Meshes Attached to VehicleMesh
When you attach Skeletal Meshes to the VehicleMesh component, their collision settings are, by default, turned off. This decision is based on the assumption that these meshes primarily serve a cosmetic purpose, and disabling collisions helps enhance performance.
However, there might be cases where you require a particular mesh to retain its collision settings. In such situations, you can achieve this by adding the tag "KeepCollision" to the mesh.
Skeletal Mesh Constraints
When utilizing a Skeletal Mesh in your vehicle setup, sometimes you may want to use physics constraints. However, please note that any constraint typically applied to the root of the skeletal mesh should be instead placed within the vehicle blueprint and linked to the VehicleMesh component. Attempting to set up skeletal mesh constraints in the usual manner may lead to unexpected behavior, as illustrated in the following video:Â